Mental Health: Quran verses to help with mental health
Article taken from: TheQuranRecital
It is really important to talk about and raise awareness about mental-health and mental distress. It’s a natural human condition and nobody is immune from it. There are Quranic verses and Prophetic teachings that indicate that everyone experiences some of these and this is part of our life struggle.
‘Indeed, mankind was created anxious’
Quran [70:19]
‘And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.’
Quran [2:155]
So mental health and mental distress is part of human nature rather than being a failure of it. It becomes an issue of how you deal with it which may turn into a problem. Whether you are in a state of comfort or hardship or stress or ease, it’s how you respond to it with patience or gratitude that will determine how much contentment you feel.
Contentment is felt in the heart and is a sense of peace and acceptance and what the Quran and hadith provide is a lesson that contentment is a feeling of peacefulness no matter what is going on around you.